Vaccine Injury
Support Program

If you believe you are experiencing a health issue as a result of a vaccine, please contact your local public health unit, or your health care provider. If this is a medical emergency, please call 911.

The purpose

The purpose of the VISP is to ensure that all people in Canada who have experienced a serious and permanent injury as a result of receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada on or after December 8, 2020, have fair and timely access to financial support.

The pan-Canadian VISP will serve all people vaccinated in Canada, with the exception of people vaccinated in Québec who will receive coverage from the longstanding Québec program.

For individuals vaccinated in Québec,
click here

Learn more in our FAQ

Who can apply?
Eligibility Criteria

All of the below criteria must be met in order to submit a successful claim.

Authorized Vaccine

Any person receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine.

Time Frame

Claims can be filed within three years after the date of vaccination, date of death or date when an injury first becomes apparent.

Injury Reported

Injury reported to health care provider.

Eligibility Date

Date of vaccination was on or after December 8, 2020.

Administered in Canada*

The vaccine was administered in Canada.

*Exceptions apply

Serious and Permanent

The injury is serious and permanent or has resulted in death.